Darkness And Light

Michael VanBruaene
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


Floating in eternity. In the cosmos of universes barely known and unknown, now and to come.
No borders, no up or down, no beginning nor end. A continuing oneness and divergence.
All that we barely know and never fully know. In perpetual synchrony.
Out there and within me.

Yearning for certainty amidst transitory existence.
With longings felt but unable to describe nor understand.
A feeling and a wanting. Struggling, desiring, even demanding.
To satisfy ego, and yes also to survive.

Searching to make sense of it all.
Asking why? How can this be?
Why this suffering and turmoil? And yes, also goodness and love.

Where did I come from?
What will happen after I die?
From here to where or what?
Futile questions with no good answers.

Looking to a past I can’t comprehend. And eternal future of what?
Being five and eighty-five (or whatever), a second ago and a second to come.
Evolving moments from and to unknowns.
The cosmos continues regardless. So far.

What am I then? Does it matter to know? Or even try to know?
Shall I, can I, accept not fully knowing, not comprehending?

Knowing these questions can become a dark abyss.
And also illuminate the essence of existence.

Fortunate to move on with life each day. I think.
Living as though there’s meaning in the face of non-meaning.

Is this non-meaning the meaning of life?
With life itself being the inherent meaning.
To be discovered and rediscovered and appreciated each day. As it is.
A mystery to be lived, always as it is.
Each day with its permutations of mystery.
With magnificent sunlight and troubled darkness, and much in between.

