The Raging Storm

Michael VanBruaene
1 min readOct 15, 2021

The storm rages. More so than ever, so it seems.
With fury. Relentless intensity.
It forces itself upon them.
Swirls around and through them. Flinging them here and there.
In a cacophony of yearnings, egos, and needs.

The storm rages as they try to live with each other, while sometimes desiring not to.
It confuses them. Tears them apart.
Injures, humiliates, causes anger and hatred.

The storm can’t be avoided. Out of their control.
Unable to protect themselves. No matter how hard they try.
Their destiny. The storm’s destiny.

Sometimes there is calm.
Placid. Lovely. Beautiful.
Hope comes to the fore. Hope for something better.
That something better is soon to come
That all will be fine and good.

All is well, so it seems. For a bit.
As they see that better doesn’t exist.

The storm is upon them.
In their niche of existence and eternity.
The storm rages on.

